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All int'l students from Thailand passed the Logistics Management "1+X" vocational skill level assessment

By Tian Fangyuan    Updated: 2024-01-23   

WIST, January 23 -- The results of the national logistics management “1+X” vocational skill level (intermediate) assessment were announced recently. All nine students from Thailand majoring in Modern Logistics Management of WIST passed the assessment. This good news not only signifies the new achievements of deep cooperation between WIST and Suratthani Technical College of Thailand in the field of vocational education, but also demonstrates WIST’s provision of high-quality educational resources and services for international students.

The assessment, which took place on December 22, is comprehensive and focuses on practical skills. To ensure the success of international students in passing it, teachers from the Logistics Management participated in the entire training process. They implemented integrated teaching of course certificates, organized multiple teaching seminars for international students, and provided detailed guidance and practical training. Their high emphasis on teaching quality and rigorous teaching attitude have earned high praise from the international students.

The acquisition of the X certificate by Thai students will greatly strengthen their future career prospects and demonstrate the teaching excellence of WIST. The promotion of the “Chinese + Vocational Skills” training mode further enhances the collaboration between Chinese and Thai educational institutions in the field of vocational education.