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Students of SBT win the first prize in Business Data Analysis Regional Competition of Belt and Road & BRICS Skills Development & Technology Innovation Competition

By Li Yuzhu    Updated: 2024-07-04   

WIST, July 4 -- The Business Data Analysis Regional Competition of Belt and Road & BRICS Skills Development & Technology Innovation Competition was concluded on July 2. The contestants of the School of Business and Trade (SBT) won two first prizes.

There are 630 competition teams in total. Under guidance of the experienced tutors Li Yuzhu, Zhang Manqi and Zhang Jin, two teams of SBT, one consisting of Lv Xueying, Kong Siyu and Wang Xiaowei, ranking the seventh in total score, and the other of Yu Minzhu, Wang Tianyan and Yan Zhenpin, were awarded the first prize.

Preparing for the competition, both the tutors and students made great efforts. The faculty of WIST also provides comprehensive support for the contestants, including professional skills training, psychological counseling, and team collaboration improvement. The contestants lived up to expectations, demonstrating superb skill levels and excellent teamwork abilities in the competition.

The good result is not only a recognition of the individual abilities of the contestants, but also proof of the faculty’s professional skills and their devotion to innovation and entrepreneurship education. (Photo by Li Yuzhu)