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Int'l students win awards in the 2nd "Chinese+Logistics Vocational Skills" Int'l Contest

By Tian Fangyuan    Updated: 2024-05-16   

WIST, May 14 -- The prize giving ceremony of the 2nd "Chinese+Logistics Vocational Skills" International Contest was held in Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province. The contestants of WIST won multiple awards. Li Hui, vice dean of the School of Business and Trade (SBT) and key teacher Tian Fangyuan attended the ceremony.

The contest is hosted by the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing (CFLP). It is a large-scale competition of skills application and teaching practice in logistics. The participants include both international students majoring in Logistics in China vocational colleges and their instructors. The contest is divided into two stages: preliminary and final, with more than 500 participants from 20 countries. The teachers and international students of WIST have won many awards in it: the student group has won 2 first prizes, 5 second prizes, and 1 third prize. According to the rule of the contest, the student winners of the first prize, without taking the relevant exams, should be offered Certification of Logistics Professional Proficiency of Assistant  Engineer issued by CFLP. Li and Tian are awarded the Excellent Instructors. Fan Wei and Liu Xiaofe, contestants of the Teacher group,  win the second prize. In addition, WIST is granted the Best Organization Award by CFLP.

This contest provides the international students with a stage to show their talents. The awards won by the teachers and international students also display the efforts to go global made by the faculty of Logistics Management of WIST.